My Roomie |
This is my room mate, Melanie. She was such a good room mate, and is such a great friend. |
Tom |
I am sure that you have heard me talk about Tom. This is him. (He's the one wearing boxers!) My roommate, Mel, said that Tom is incredibly hot, and doesn't even flaunt it. Once I get the hang of this webpage building stuff, I will write more about him. |
Josie, Jeremy, Leigh and Andrew. |
My good friends, Josie (wearing pink), Leigh (in yellow), Jeremy (the sexy bitch in black!) and Andrew (wearing the plain white T-shirt) They are so funny! And were always deprived of first prize when it was always clear that their imagination should have deserved it! I mean look at those costumes! Look at that pumpkin! It has ears! It has a toungue stickin out! Those costumes were well conceived. They're not a simple Gap outfit! These people work hard to make their tasks special! They have the imagination and the vision to make things happen and to make them special! They will go far in life! And in color too! |
Anthony |
This is my friend, Anthony! Isn't he cute!!! He is so shy and quiet though. But he would always stop to talk to me. |