
Picture it: St. Paul's Church, Easter 1998. I was an acolyte at church that morning. Easter is always a popular time of year for baptisms, especially infant ones. I held the baptismal candle during the ceremony. In my church, it is customary for the priest, baby and parents to walk around the church and let the little old ladies ooh and aah at the newly baptized baby. It is during this time that I give the candle to the remaining family. That's when I met him. He was so handsome. The dark hair . . . the dark eyes . . . the tie . . . (sigh) His name is Dean Romero. His nephew was the newly baptized baby. This is how it all began. The next morning, we found out that we were in the same mythology class at Olympic College. So we got to know each other more and more. The next winter, Dean and I and some other friends took a trip to Leavenworth, WA. Unbeknownst to me then, but beknownst to me now, Dean had been searching for those tiny conversation candy hearts. You know, the kind that are popular at Valentine's day, but impossible to find any other time? After weeks of searching, Dean found some and bought boxes of these candies. He took out all the ones that said "Marry Me" and put them all into one box with a diamond ring on the bottom. During a sleigh ride, Dean handed me the box of candy hearts. I grew suspicious as I quickly found out that all the hearts said "Marry Me." I was so surprised and so happy to find the ring at the bottom. I immediately said yes, and we are deliriously happy!!!!

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